Daytime support
Each day with a postpartum doula looks a bit different because your needs look a bit different. We begin our time together with a debrief, talking about how things are going and do our best to troubleshoot any issues. We then talk about your priorities for the day. Learn how to use that new baby carrier? Figure out how to get out of the house with the baby? Learn to trim those teeny tiny fingernails? Take a nap or a shower? Or BOTH?! I typically then take over baby duties while checking household chores off your list, and you take care of your needs using both of your hands.
Minimum 4 hours between 9am-2pm
overnight support
The goal of overnight support is for you to get as much uninterrupted sleep as possible. If you are nursing I bring the baby to you to feed, and then take care of the burping/changing/soothing so that you can get right back to sleep. If you are bottle feeding or pumping I take care of feeding the baby and washing pump/bottle parts.
Minimum 8hrs, between 9pm-6am